1 Introduction to Water Pollution Control Engineering
1.1 What is water pollution?
1.2 Where is pollution coming from?
1.3 Types of water pollution
1.4 Water pollution in China
1.5 How to prevent water pollution?
2 Water Quality Parameters
2.1 How to evaluate the quality of water?
2.2 Typical composition of various types of water/wastewater
2.3 Water/wastewater discharge standards
2.4 Sewer system
3 Principle and Technology of Urban Water Treatment
4 Principle and Technology of Urban Wastewater Treatment
4.1 Contaminants in water
4.2 Contaminant sources and treatability
4.3 Available technologies
4.4 Trend of development
5 Activated Sludge Process and Design
5.1 An introduction to Wastewater Treatment
5.2 Aerobic wastewater treatment processe
5.3 Anaerobic wastewater treatment processes
5.4 Basic concepts of activated sludge process
5.5 Activated sludge process and design
5.6 Reaction kinetics of activated sludge (Part 1)
5.7 Reaction kinetics of activated sludge(Part 2)
5.8 Sludge treatment and disposal
6 River and River Ecology
7 Polluted River Remediation
8 Freshwater Aquatic Biology
9 Principles & Applications of Bioremediation for Organic Contaminant
10 Physical and Chemical Technologies for Wastewater Treatment I: Physical Adsorption and Advanced Oxidation Processes
11 Physical and Chemical Technologies for Wastewater Treatment II: Application of Photocatalysis in Wastewater Treatment