
  • 1 Business Relations
    • 1.1 PPT
    • 1.2 Listening
    • 1.3 Speaking
    • 1.4 Writing
  • 2 Business Background Check
    • 2.1 PPT
    • 2.2 Listening
    • 2.3 Speaking
    • 2.4 Writing
  • 3 Business Negotiation
    • 3.1 PPT
    • 3.2 Listening
    • 3.3 Speaking
    • 3.4 Writing
  • 4 Conclusion of a contract
    • 4.1 PPT
    • 4.2 Listening
    • 4.3 Speaking
    • 4.4 Reading
    • 4.5 Writing
  • 5 Payment
    • 5.1 PPT
    • 5.2 Listening
    • 5.3 Speaking
    • 5.4 Writing
  • 6 Packing
    • 6.1 PPT
    • 6.2 Listening
    • 6.3 Speaking
    • 6.4 Writing
  • 7 Delivery
    • 7.1 PPT
    • 7.2 Listening
    • 7.3 Speaking
    • 7.4 Writing
  • 8 教学资料
    • 8.1 教学进度表
    • 8.2 教学大纲


A: Good morning, Mr. Greenspan. The contract is ready. Here you are!

B: Thank you! Let me see.

A: Please go through it to see if there are any mistakes.

B: OK, I’ll do it now. (A few moments later) I’m afraid we need toclarify some points.

A: Yes? What are they?

B: The first is about shipment. I think we need to make it clear thatno partial shipment

     is allowed.

A: OK! I’ll correct it. What else?

B: The second is about “ton”, the unit we use here. I remember weagree that “ton” her refers to “metric ton”, right?

A: Yes, thank you for reminding us. I’ll add it to the contract.

B: Now everything turns out to be perfect.


A: Mr. Wang, here are the two copies of the draft contract. Shall wecheck it now?

B: Yes. (After reading for a while) The contract is well written onthe whole. But shall we revise the arbitration clause? I mean, the arbitrationshould take place in China only after the shipment is done.

A: No problem! China International Economic and Trade ArbitrationCommission is our choice.

B: Do you find any provision that needs to be revised?

A: Yes, just the late delivery and punishment clause. I think if thelate delivery is within two days and we inform you of that in advance, weshould not pay any fine for it. You know, there are a lot of storms in thisseason.

A: OK. But you should inform us three days before the exact arrivaldate.

B: All right, we will. Now I have no questions. And you?

A: Same here!