
  • 1 Preface
    • 1.1 Preface
  • 2 Chapter 1 Introduction
    • 2.1 Previous Knowledge
    • 2.2 Multimedia Class
    • 2.3 Practice and Reflection
  • 3 Chapter 2 Preperation & Lead-in
    • 3.1 Previous Knowledge
    • 3.2 Multimedia Class
    • 3.3 Practice and Reflection
  • 4 Chapter 3 Presentation
    • 4.1 Previous Knowledge
    • 4.2 Multimedia Class
    • 4.3 Practice and Reflection
  • 5 Chapter 4 Practice Teaching
    • 5.1 Previous Knowledge
    • 5.2 Multimedia Class
    • 5.3 Practice and Reflection
  • 6 Chapter 5 Correction and Revision
    • 6.1 Previous Knowledge
    • 6.2 Multimedia Class
    • 6.3 Practice and Reflection
  • 7 Pronunciation Teaching (I)
    • 7.1 Previous Knowledge
    • 7.2 Multimedia Class
    • 7.3 Practice and Reflection
  • 8 Chapter 7 Pronunciation Teaching (II)
    • 8.1 Previous Knowledge
    • 8.2 Multimedia Class
    • 8.3 Practice and Reflection
  • 9 Chapter 8 Vocabulary Teaching
    • 9.1 Previous Knowledge
    • 9.2 Multimedia Class
    • 9.3 Practice and Reflection
  • 10 Chapter 9 Grammar Teaching
    • 10.1 Previous Knowledge
    • 10.2 Multimedia Class
    • 10.3 Practice and Reflection
  • 11 Chapter 10 Listening Teaching
    • 11.1 Previous Knowledge
    • 11.2 Multimedia Class
    • 11.3 Practice and Reflection
  • 12 Chapter 11 Speaking Teaching
    • 12.1 Previous Knowledge
    • 12.2 Multimedia Class
    • 12.3 Practice and Reflection
  • 13 Chapter 12 Reading Teaching
    • 13.1 Previous Knowledge
    • 13.2 Multimedia Class
    • 13.3 Practice and Reflection
  • 14 Chapter 13 Writing Teaching
    • 14.1 Previous Knowledge
    • 14.2 Multimedia Class
    • 14.3 Practice and Reflection
  • 15 Chapter 14 Classroom Management
    • 15.1 Previous Knowledge
    • 15.2 Multimedia Class
    • 15.3 Practice and Reflection
Previous Knowledge
  • 1 Why to ...
  • 2 What to ...
  • 3 How to ...
  • 4 Resource
  • 5 Questions


Speaking is the skill that the Ss will be judged upon most in real-life situations. It is an important part of everyday interaction and most often the first impression of a person is based on his/ her ability to speak fluently and comprehensibly. Speaking is a skill, just like riding a bike, swimming, or playing the musical instruments.

When two people are engaged in talking to each other, they are doing so for good reasons.

(1) They want to say something. (They feel the need to speak.)

(2) They have some communicative purpose. (To charm the listeners; to give some information; to express their feeling; to agree or complain…)

(3) They select from their language store. (Speakers have an infinite capacity to create new sentences the language they think is appropriate for this purpose.)

(4) They want to listen to ‘something’.

(5) They are interested in the communicative purpose of what is being said.

(6) They process a variety of language.