How to prepare for the IELTS test
IELTS measures your reading, writing, listening and speaking skills, and assesses your ability to communicate for work, study or life in an English-speaking country.
The first step is to make sure you understand the IELTS test format. You need to know what will be expected of you on test day.
Understand the IELTS test format
1. Study the test format to make sure that you know what to expect.
2. Look carefully at the content of each part of the IELTS test: listening, reading, writing and speaking.
3. Get to know the different types of questions that you may be asked in each part.
What is your comment on the performance of the boy in the video?
What is your plan of practicing oral English?
How to book your test
Go to Book now and find a convenient test location in the country of your preference: you can search our map or use the drop-down menu.
On the country page, review the test locations and upcoming test dates.
On the country page, review the details of the passport, photograph, ID and documentary information you will need to complete the application process.
Review the payment amount and method you need to use.
When you are ready to book your test, assemble the identification, and other documentary information that your require before you complete the application form.
Complete the application form to book your test; we recommend that you book online (where available) as this is the most efficient way to reserve your test with a British Council Test Centre.
List the details of five organisations that you would like your Test Report Form sent to.
Inform your test centre as soon as possible if you have a disability or other condition and need us to make special arrangements for you on test day. If you are booking online, make this clear in your application.
Once you have submitted your application remember to note and carry-out any instructions.