  • 单位:长江大学   动物科学学院
  • 职称:教授
  • 职位:长江大学鸵鸟研究所负责人
  • 性别:女
  • 社会职务: 中国畜牧兽医学会动物解剖与组织胚胎学分会理事;湖北省畜牧兽医学会理事
  • 联系方式:wangjianxiang@yangtzeu.edu.cn
  • 微博:




1. Ghrelin对非洲鸵鸟卵巢生长发育作用的研究,湖北省农业科学院开放课题;

2. 鸵鸟养殖技术研发与推广,2018年高等教育奖补资金资助;

3. Smarce1超表达后对鸡胚性腺发育影响的研究 ,中国博士后科学基金; 

4. Ghrelin对雏鸵鸟腺胃和小肠生长发育的作用及其机制研究,国家自然科学


5. Ghrelin在雌性非洲鸵鸟生殖系统的定位研究,湖北省教育厅。


1.  Xiao-ting Zhang,  Jia-xiang Wang*, Peng Li, Li-xun Ye.Distribution and Morphology of Ghrelin- Immunopositive Cells in the Lung of the African Ostrich. Pakistan J. Zool. 2018,vol. 50(1), pp 257-263 (SCI,通讯作者)

2.  Li-xun Ye,Jia-xiang Wang*,  Peng Li,  Xiao-ting Zhang. Distribution and Morphology of Ghrelin-Immunopositive Cells in the Testes of the African Ostrich. Pakistan J. Zool. 2018,vol. 50(1), pp 29-34 (SCI,通讯作者)

3.  Hai feng Zhang, Jiaxiang Wang*. Morphology of the proventriculus of African ostrich.  Indian J. Anim. Res. 2018,52 (1) : 37-40 (SCI,通讯作者)

4.  Li-xun Ye,Jia-xiang Wang*,  Peng Li, Xiao-ting Zhang. Distribution and morphology of ghrelin immunostained cells in the adrenal gland of the African ostrich. Biotechnic & Histochemistry. 2017, Early Online: 1–7 (SCI,通讯作者)

5.  Jia-xiang Wang, Peng Li, Xiao-ting Zhang, Li-xun Ye. Distribution and Morphology of Ghrelin-Immunopositive Cells in the Thymus of the African Ostrich. Int. J. Morphol. 2017,35(2):541-546 (SCI,第一作者)

6.  Jia-xiang Wang, Peng Li, Xiao-ting Zhang, Li-xun Ye. Distribution and Morphology of Ghrelin-Immunopositive Cells in the Liver of the African Ostrich. Int. J. Morphol. 2017,35(4):1285-1290 (SCI,第一作者)

7.  Jia-xiang Wang, Peng Li, Xiao-ting Zhang, Li-xun Ye. Distribution and developmental changes of ghrelin-immunopositive cells in the pancreas of African ostrich chicks (Struthio camelus). Poultry Science. 2017,96:3445–3451) (SCI,第一作者)

8.  Jia-xiang Wang, Peng Li, Xiao-ting Zhang, Li-xun Ye. Developmental morphology study on the stomach of African ostrich chicks. Poultry Science. 2017,96:2006–2012 (SCI,第一作者)

9.  Jia-xiang Wang, Peng Li, Xiao-ting Zhang, Li-xun Ye. Distribution and Morphology of Ghrelin-Immunopositive Cells in the Pancreas of the African Ostrich. Pakistan J. Zool.  2017,vol. 49(4), pp 1391-1396 (SCI,第一作者)

10.  Li-xun Ye,Jia-xiang Wang*,  Peng Li, Xiao-ting Zhang. Distribution and Morphology of Ghrelin- Immunopositive Cells in the Spleen of the African Ostrich. Analytical and Quantitative Cytopathology and Histopathology. 2017, 39:277-282.(SCI,通讯作者) 

11.  Houqiang Luo, Kun Li, Hui Zhang , Ping Gan , Muhammad Shahzad , Xiaoxing Wu, Yanfang Lan , Jiaxiang Wang*. Seroprevalence of Toxoplasma gondii infection in zoo and domestic animals in Jiangxi Province, China. Parasite. 2017, 24, 7 :1-3 (SCI,通讯作者)

12.  Houqiang Luo, Kun Li, Hui Zhang , Yanfang Lan , Ping Gan , Xiong Xiong, Haigang Wu,  Jiaxiang Wang*.Seroprevalence of Theileria Infection in Goats in Hubei Province, China based on Circulating Antibodies .Pak Vet J.  2017, 37(1): 105-107.  (SCI,通讯作者)

13.  Hui ZHANG, Kun LI, Yajing WANG, Mujeeb Ur REHMAN, Yijiang LIU, Junjie JIN, Junping PENG, Fazul NABI, Khalid MEHMOOD, Houqiang LUO, Jiaxiang WANG*.Investigation and characterization of  β-lactam resistance in Escherichia colistrains isolated from bamboo rats (Rhizomys sinensis) in Zhejiang province, China. J. Vet. Med. Sci. 2017,79(10): 1633–1636 (SCI,通讯作者)

14.  Luo, H Q, Li, K, Zhang, H, Lan, Y.F2, Peng, J.P, Shahzad, M, Wang, J.X*. Seroprevalence of bluetongue virus infection in goats in the central China.Tropical Biomedicine. 2017, 34(1): 80–83  (SCI,通讯作者)

15.  Houqiang Luo, Kun Li , Sheji Weng, Yu Bai, Hui Zhang , Khalid Mehmood, Muhammad Shahzad, Jiaxiang Wang* .Assessment of Serum Trace Elements in Thiram Induced Tibial Dyschondroplasia Chickens .Pak Vet J. 2018, 38(1): 101-104. (SCI,通讯作者)

16.  Jia-xiang Wang∗, Peng Li, Yue Zhou. Distribution and morphology of ghrelin-immunopositive cells in the cerebellum of the African ostrich. Tissue and Cell. 2012, 44 :373–377 (SCI,第一作者)

17.  J X Wang , P Li , K M Peng , S H.Z  Jin. cDNA cloning of ghrelin and ontogeny of ghrelin mRNA expression in the gastrointestinal tract of African ostrich chicks. Regulatory Peptides. 2011, 167:50–55 (SCI,第一作者)

18.  Jia-xiang Wang, Ke-mei Peng, Hua-zhen Liu, Hui Song, Xi Chen,Liu Min. Distribution and Morphology of Argyrophilic Cells in the Digestive Tract of the African Ostrich. Tissue Cell. 2010,42: 65–68 (SCI,第一作者)

19.  J X Wang , K M Peng. Developmental Morphology of the Small Intestine of African Ostrich Chicks. Poultry Science. 2008, 87:2629–2635 (SCI,第一作者)

20.  J X Wang, K M Peng, H ZH Liu, HSong, X Chen, M Liu .Distribution and developmental changes in ghrelin-immunopositive cells in the gastrointestinal tract of African ostrich chicks. Regulatory Peptides. 2009,154: 97–101 (SCI,第一作者)


1. “非洲鸵鸟产业化开发”第三届中国“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛湖北省复赛,初创组银奖,湖北省教育厅,2017

2. “PCR检测仔猪大肠杆菌性腹泻及菌毛混合疫苗免疫原性研究”湖北省科技进步三等奖,湖北省科技厅,2004

3. “鸡大肠杆菌菌毛分类,检测及1型菌毛疫苗免疫原性研究”湖北省科技进步三等奖,湖北省科技厅,2004。

4. 荣获长江大学2015年“温暖长大人物”,“学生人生导师”,2017年“师之典范”,连续3年获长江大学教学质量优秀奖,优秀共产党、优秀女职工等多项荣誉称号。