- 单位:河海大学 水文水资源学院
- 职称:副教授
- 出生:1984年1月
- 性别:男
- 联系方式:luchengpeng@hhu.edu.cn
Interaction between groundwater and surface water
Influence mechanism of heterogeneity on groundwater flow and solute transport
Groundwater system simulation and environmental impact assessment
Simulation of karst hydrodynamic process
Water resources system optimization and management
[1] Su X, Shu L, Lu C*. Impact of a low-permeability lens on dune-induced hyporheic exchange. Hydrological Sciences Journal-Journal Des Sciences Hydrologiques. 2018 2018;63(5):818-835.
[2] Lu C*, Zhuang W, Wang S, Zhu X, Li H. Experimental study on hyporheic flow varied by the clay lens and stream flow. Environmental Earth Sciences. 2018.
[3] Lu C*, Yao C, Su X, Jiang Y, Yuan F, Wang M. The Influences of a Clay Lens on the Hyporheic Exchange in a Sand Dune. Water 2018;10.
[4] Lu C*, Chen S, Jiang Y, Shi J, Yao C, Su X. Quantitative Analysis of Riverbank Groundwater Flow for the Qinhuai River, China and its Influence Factors. Hydrological Processes. 2018.
[5] Chang A, Sun H, Zheng C, Lu B, Lu C, Ma, R, Zhang, Y. A time fractional convection-diffusion equation to model gas transport through heterogeneous soil and gas reservoirs. Physica a-Statistical Mechanics And Its Applications. Jul 15 2018;502:356-369.
[6] Su XR, Shu LC, Zhao G, Wang MM,Lu CP*, Yao CC. The effects of a low-permeability lens on hyporheic exchange intensity. 3rd International Conference on Water Resource and Environment, WRE 2017, June 26, 2017 - June 29, 2017. 1 ed. Qingdao, China: Institute of Physics Publishing; 2017.
[7] Lu CP*, Yao CC, Shu BN, Huang XD, Lv H. Differences in methods of quantifying the vertical hyporheic flow for streambank flow field. 3rd International Conference on Water Resource and Environment, WRE 2017, June 26, 2017 - June 29, 2017. 1 ed. Qingdao, China: Institute of Physics Publishing; 2017.
[8] Lu C*, Qin W, Zhao G, Zhang Y, Wang W. Better-fitted probability of hydraulic conductivity for a silty clay site and its effects on solute transport. Water (Switzerland). 2017;9.
[9] Lu C*, Chen S, Zhang Y, Su X, Chen G. Heat tracing to determine spatial patterns of hyporheic exchange across a river transect. Hydrogeology Journal. 2017;25:1633-46.
[10] Wu G, Shu L, Lu C*, Chen X. The heterogeneity of 3-D vertical hydraulic conductivity in a streambed. Hydrology Research. 2016;47:15-26.
[11] Tang R, Shu LC, Lu CP*, Zhang CY, Fan JH, Appiah-Adjei EK. Laboratory Analog Analysis of Spring Recession Curve in a Karst Aquifer with Fracture and Conduit Domains. Journal Of Hydrologic Engineering. 2016;21.
[12] Su X, Shu L, Chen X, Lu C*, Wen Z. Interpreting the cross-sectional flow field in a river bank based on a genetic-algorithm two-dimensional heat-transport method (GA-VS2DH). Hydrogeology Journal. 2016;24:2035-47.
[13] Liu B, Zhou X, Li W, Lu C, Shu L. Spatiotemporal characteristics of groundwater drought and its response to meteorological drought in jiangsu province, China. Water (Switzerland). 2016;8.
[14] Chen S, Shu L, Lu C. A new method for evaluating riverside well locations based on allowable withdrawal. Water (Switzerland). 2016;8.
[15] Zhu J, Shu L, Lu C*, Li J, Chen S, Li S, et al. Study of heterogeneous vertical hyporheic flux via streambed temperature at different depths. 3rd Remote Sensing and Hydrology Symposium, RSHS 2014 and the 3rd International Conference of GIS/RS in Hydrology, Water Resources and Environment, ICGRHWE 2014, August 24, 2014 - August 27, 2014. Guangzhou, China: Copernicus GmbH; 2015. p. 168-73.
[16] Zhang Y, Liu L, Lu C. Impacts of lake water environmental condition on bioavailablephosphorus of surface sediments in Lixia River basin, China. 3rd Remote Sensing and Hydrology Symposium, RSHS 2014 and the 3rd International Conference of GIS/RS in Hydrology, Water Resources and Environment, ICGRHWE 2014, August 24, 2014 - August 27, 2014. Guangzhou, China: Copernicus GmbH; 2015. p. 424-9.
[17] Zhang C, Shu L, Lu C, Appiah-Adjei EK, Wang X. Experimental determination of fractures and conduits and the applicability of Cubic law in closed fractures. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science. 2015;69:1-7.
[18] Wu G, Shu L, Lu C*, Chen X, Zhang X, Appiah-Adjei EK, et al. Variations of streambed vertical hydraulic conductivity before and after a flood season. Hydrogeology Journal. 2015;23:1603-15.
[19] Su X, Shu L, Li W, Lu C*, Zhu J, Wu G, et al. Monitoring temporal patterns of vertical hyporheic flux via distributed temperature sensors. 3rd Remote Sensing and Hydrology Symposium, RSHS 2014 and the 3rd International Conference of GIS/RS in Hydrology, Water Resources and Environment, ICGRHWE 2014, August 24, 2014 - August 27, 2014. Guangzhou, China: Copernicus GmbH; 2015. p. 299-304.
[20] Qi S, Wen Z, Lu C*, Shu L, Shao J, Huang Y, et al. A new empirical model for estimating the hydraulic conductivity of low permeability media. 3rd Remote Sensing and Hydrology Symposium, RSHS 2014 and the 3rd International Conference of GIS/RS in Hydrology, Water Resources and Environment, ICGRHWE 2014, August 24, 2014 - August 27, 2014. Guangzhou, China: Copernicus GmbH; 2015. p. 478-83.
[21] Lu C*, Zhang Y, Shu L, Chen X, Chen S, Li S, et al. Stochastic analysis of the hydraulic conductivity estimated for a heterogeneous aquifer via numerical modelling. 3rd Remote Sensing and Hydrology Symposium, RSHS 2014 and the 3rd International Conference of GIS/RS in Hydrology, Water Resources and Environment, ICGRHWE 2014, August 24, 2014 - August 27, 2014. Guangzhou, China: Copernicus GmbH; 2015. p. 472-7.
[22] Chang C, Wen Z, Shu L, Lu C, Gu S, Su J, et al. Study of an evaluation index system of well-off water conservancy in Yunnan Province. 3rd Remote Sensing and Hydrology Symposium, RSHS 2014 and the 3rd International Conference of GIS/RS in Hydrology, Water Resources and Environment, ICGRHWE 2014, August 24, 2014 - August 27, 2014. Guangzhou, China: Copernicus GmbH; 2015. p. 366-72.
[23] Lu C, Shu L, Wen Z, Chen X. Interpretation of a short-duration pumping test in the mixed flow karst system using a three-reservoir model. Carbonates And Evaporites. 2013;28:149-58.
[24] Appiah-Adjei EK, Shu LC, Adjei KA, Lu CP. Evaluation of climate change impact on sustainability of Tailan underground reservoir in China. 2013 2nd International Conference on Energy and Environmental Protection, ICEEP 2013, April 19, 2013 - April 21, 2013. Guilin, China: Trans Tech Publications Ltd; 2013. p. 3249-55.
[25] Zhang Y, Liu L, Lu C, Qian B. Study on the environmental response of sedimentary phosphorus of shallow lakes to anthropogenic impact in lixia river basin, China. Nova Science Publishers, Inc.; 2012. p. 145-62.
[26] Zhang R-R, Shu L-C, Min X, Lu C-P, Ke T-T. Significance of conduit flow on dynamic processes in a heterogeneous karst aquifer. Jilin Daxue Xuebao (Diqiu Kexue Ban)/Journal of Jilin University (Earth Science Edition). 2012;42:386-92.
[27] Yong W, Shu L, Lu C, Zhang R, Ping H. Determining informational entropy of KARST spring hydrology based on wavelet transform. 2012 Global Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering, GCCSEE 2012 and the 3rd International Symposium on Multi-field Coupling Theory of Rock and Soil Media and Its Applications, MCTRSM 2012, October 20, 2012 - October 21, 2012. Yichang, China: Trans Tech Publications; 2012. p. 2612-5.
[28] Lu CP, Chen XH, Ou GX, Cheng C, Shu LC, Cheng DH, et al. Determination of the anisotropy of an upper streambed layer in east-central Nebraska, USA. Hydrogeology Journal. 2012;20:93-101.
[29] Lu C, Chen X, Cheng C, Ou G, Shu L. Horizontal hydraulic conductivity of shallow streambed sediments and comparison with the grain-size analysis results. Hydrological Processes. 2012;26:454-66.
[30] Appiah-Adjei EK, Shu LC, Adjei KA, Lu CP, Deng MJ. Interpretation of Pumping Test with Radial Collector Well Using a Reservoir Model. Journal Of Hydrologic Engineering. 2012;17:1397-407.
[31] Appiah-Adjei EK, Shu L, Adjei KA, Lu C, Deng M. Interpretation of pumping test with radial collector well using a reservoir model. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering. 2012;17:1397-407.
[32] Shu L, Wang X, Ma C, Lu C, Li W, Liu L, et al. Laboratory study on the recharge efficiency of infiltration basin. 2011 International Symposium on Water Resource and Environmental Protection, ISWREP 2011, May 20, 2011 - May 22, 2011. Xi'an, China: IEEE Computer Society; 2011. p. 165-8.
[33] Lu C, Shu L, Chen X, Zhang Y. Field evidence and numerical simulation of scale effect of hydraulic conductivity. 5th International Symposium on Integrated Water Resources Management, IWRM 2010 and the 3rd International Symposium on Methodology in Hydrology, November 19, 2010 - November 21, 2010. Nanjing, China: IAHS Press; 2011. p. 481-7.
[34] Lu C, Shu L, Chen X, Cheng C. Parameter estimation for a karst aquifer with unknown thickness using the genetic algorithm method. Environmental Earth Sciences. 2011;63:797-807.
[35] Ke T, Shu L, Lu C, Zhang R. Study of hydrodynamics of karstic aquifer based on grey correlation analysis. 2011 International Symposium on Water Resource and Environmental Protection, ISWREP 2011, May 20, 2011 - May 22, 2011. Xi'an, China: IEEE Computer Society; 2011. p. 859-62.
[36] Liu L-H, Shu L-C, Lu C-P.Precipitation and discharge response mechanism based on conduit flow model in karstic water system: Application the Houzhai karstic water system of Guizhou Province. Jilin Daxue Xuebao (Diqiu Kexue Ban)/Journal of Jilin University (Earth Science Edition). 2010;40:1083-9.
[37] Zhang Y, Liu L, Wang JZ, Chen J, Lu CP. An index of river health for river plain network regions. Symposium JS1 at the Joint Convention of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences, IAHS and the International Association of Hydrogeologists, IAH, September 6, 2009 - September 12, 2009. Hyderabad, India: IAHS Press; 2009. p. 112-21.
[38] Zhang R-R, Shu L-C, Dong G-M, Lu C-P, Liu L-H. Small-scale rainfall-runoff experiments and numerical simulation in a typical small karst basin of Houzhai, Guizhou Province, China. Symposium JS4 at the Joint Convention of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences, IAHS and the International Association of Hydrogeologists, IAH, September 6, 2009 - September 12, 2009. Hyderabad, India: IAHS Press; 2009. p. 348-57.
[39] Lu C, Shu L, Chen X, Tao Y, Zhang Y. Kriging method for estimation of groundwater resources in a basin with scarce monitoring data. Symposium HS2 at the Joint Convention of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences, IAHS and the International Association of Hydrogeologists, IAH, September 6, 2009 - September 12, 2009. Hyderabad, India: IAHS Press; 2009. p. 136-44.
[40] Dong G-M, Shu L-C, Wang M-M, Lu C-P, Liu L-H. A coupled seepage-horizontal well flow model and numerical experiments. Shuikexue Jinzhan/Advances in Water Science. 2009;20:830-7.
[1] Excellent Doctoral Dissertation of Jiangsu Province (2013)
[2] Young post expert of Hohai University (2014)
[3] Youth Science and technology award of School of hydrology and water resources, Hohai University (2015)
[4] Served as the reviewer of SCI journals such as Water Resources Research, Journal of Hydrology, Advanced in Water Resources, Scientific Report, et al.
[5] Membership of AGU, IAH and IAHS.