- 单位:河海大学 水文水资源学院
- 职称:教授
- 出生:1964年1月
- 性别:男
- 联系方式:13851941641
Groundwater resources evaluationandmanagement;
Water utilization and itssideeffects
1. WenZhonghui, ShuLongcang, Liu Xianglong and Wu Xianfeng, Artificial recharge forsustainablegroundwater development in Jinhe water source filed of Zaozhuangcity, Shandongprovince, China. Groundwater Updates, Springer: 85~89;
2. ShuLongcang, SunQingyi, Peng Xuming and Wen Zhonghui, Analysis on influencefactors ofsustainable groundwater development in Jining city, Shandongprovince, China.Groundwater Updates, Springer:435~436;
3. ShuLongcang, ZhuYuansheng, Sun qingyi, peng xumin, Risk analysis of groundwaterallowablewithdrawal evaluation. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering[J],2000(03):79-83.
4. ShuLongcang, ZhuYuansheng, Sun Qingyi, Peng Xumin. Reliability Analysis ofGroundwater ResourcesEvaluation Results [J]. Advances in WaterScience,2000(01):21-24.
5. ShuLongcang andXunhong Chen, Simulation of water quantity exchange betweengroundwater and thePlatte River water, Central Nebraska [J]. Journal ofCentral South University,2002, 9(3):212~215;
6. XunhongChen and ShuLongcang, Stream-aquifer interactions: evaluation of depletionvolume andresidual effects from groundwater pumping [J]. Ground Water, 2002,40(3):284~290;
7. ShuLongcang. Fielddetermination of sediment permeability coefficient in Platteriver bed,Nebraska, USA [J]. Advances in Water Science,2002(05):629-633.
8. AdilElkrail, LongcangShu, Omer Kheir, Hao Zhenchun, Hydrochemical characteristicsof aquifers innorthern Gezira State, central Sudan [J]. Journal of SoutheastUniversity(English Edition), 2003, 19 (3): 270~274;
9. Elkrail,Adil; Shu,Longcang; Kheir, Omer; Hao, Zhenchun,Groundwater chemistry in semi-aridareas of Sudan,Proceedings of the 2003 InternationalSymposium on Water Resourcesand the Urban Environment, 2003:370-373;
10. AdilElkrail, Longcang Shu, HaoZhenchun, Simulation of groundwater flow in centralSonghuajiang river valley,Jilin province, China. MODFLOW and More 2003: 《Understandingthrough Modeling- Conference Proceedings》, 2003;
11. ShuLongcang, Xunhong Chen,Impact of groundwater pumping on stream flowdepletion-the case of the Platteriver valley, central Nebraska [J]. Journal ofHydraulic Engineering[J],2003(02):112-116.
12. ZhonghuiWen, Longcang Shu, XinChen, Groundwater quality evaluation of Zhengjiang city,Jiangsu Province,China, Research Basins and Hydrological Planning, Taylor& Francis Group,Landon, 2004: 391~394;
13. AdilElkrail, Longcang Shu, etal, Numerical simulation of groundwater dynamics forSonghuajiang river valley,Jilin province, China [J]. Journal of Hydrodynamics,2004, 16(3): 332~335;
14. AdilElkrail, Longcang Shu, etal, Groundwater characteristics in semi-arid regionSudan [A]. Papers ofInternational Symposium on Environmental ProtectionSustainable Development inWest China, China Environmental Science Press, 2004: 473~477;
15. WeiLinhong, Longcang Shu, et al,Application of artificial neural networks modelcoupling with finite elementmethod in the evaluation of groundwaterresources[A]. 《Papers of International Symposium onEnvironmental ProtectionSustainable Development in Wets China》, China Environmental Science Press, 2004 :478~482;
16. ShuLongcang, Liu Bo, WenZhonghui, Impact of reservoir construction on groundwatersystem in the hillfootplain, in arid and semi-arid area [A]. 《Papersof International Symposium on EnvironmentalProtection Sustainable Developmentin Wets China》, China Environmental Science Press, 2004 : 467~472;
17. LongcangShu, Adil Elkrail,Groundwater vulnerability assessment based on numericalsimulation, 《Water and Development》, Geological Press, 2004: 30~33;
18. XunhongChen, Longcang Shu,Groundwater evapotranspiration captured by seasonallypumped wells in rivervalleys, Journal of Hydrology, 2006, (318): 334~347;
19. LiWanglin, Shu Longcang, YinZongze. Concept and design theory of groundwaterreservoir [J]. Journal ofHydraulic Engineering,2006(05):613-618.
20. BasilT.I.Ong’or, Shu Long-cang.Groundwater overdraft vulnerability andenvironmental impact assessment inArusha [J]. Environmental Geology. 2007,51(7):1171~1176;
21. Ong’Or,Basil Tito Iro, LongcangShu, Water supply crisis and mitigation options inKisumu City, Kenya[J],Journal of Water Resources Development, 2007, 23(3): 485~500;
22. Ong’Or,B.T.I., Longcang Shu,Peigui Liu, Environmental impact assessment of riskassociated with groundwateroverdraft remediation in cone of depression,Jining, China[J], EnvironmentalGeology, 2007, 53(4):751~762;
23. MengXianmeng, Shu Longcang, LuYaoru. Modified DRASTIC model for groundwatervulnerability assessment based onentropy weight. Journal of HydraulicEngineering,2007,38(1):94~99;
24. LiWei, Shu Longcang, Li Yange.Characteristic parameters analysis of groundwaterreservoir in Jining city,Shandong province,Advances in WaterScience,2007,18(2):282~285;
25. LongcangShu, Zhihua Wang,Determination methods for streambed hydraulic conductivity inthe lower reach ofthe Yellow River, Methodology in Hydrology, IAHS Publication311, 2007:594~599;
26. BoLiu, Longcang Shu, Evaluationmethod of artificial recharge potential in a coneof depression in Jining City,China, Methodology in Hydrology, IAHS Publication311, 2007:424~430;
27. LongcangShu, Peigui Liu, Ongor,Basil T. Iro, Environmental impact assessment usingFORM and groundwater systemreliability concept: Case study Jining, China[J], EnvironmentalGeology, 2008,55(3): 661~667;
28. ShuLongcang, Tao Yufei,LiuPeigui,Reliability calculation method forgroundwater recharge inconsideration of uncertainty of hydrogeologicalparameters,Journalof Hydraulic Engineering,2008,39(3):346~350;
29. LiuPeigui, Shu Longcang, ShangChingting, Wang Guoli,Fuzzy-stochastic method forreliability analysis ofgroundwater allowable withdrawal [J] Journal ofHydraulic Engineering,2008,39(9):1141~1145;
30. LongcangShu, Guiming Dong, etal. Water Level Variation and Prediction of the PingshanSinkhole in Guizhou,Southwestern China[A], Geotechnical Special PublicationNo.183: Sinkholes andthe Engineering and Environmental Impacts of Karst, 2008,423~432;
31. HuangXiudong, Shu Longcang, LiuPeigui, Wang En,Experimental study on clogging ofrecharge well [J],Journal of Hydraulic Engineering,2009,40(4):430~434;
32. ShuLongcang, Dong Guiming, TaoYufei, Liu Lihong,Forecast and analysis on waterlevel fluctuation in sinkholeof underground rivers [J],JournalofHydraulic Engineering,2009,40(5):529~534;
33. ChengpengLu, Longcang Shu,Xunhong Chen et al. Kriging method for estimation ofgroundwater resources in abasin with scarce monitoring data[A], 《Proceedingsof Symposium HS.2 at the joint Convention ofThe International Association ofHydrological Sciences (IAHS) and TheInternational Association of Hydrogeologists(IAH) held in Hyderabad, India》, IAHS Publication, September 2009: 136 ~ 144
34. DanYin, Longcang Shu, Lihong Liu& Chundong Xu, Research on reflowingconditions of jinci karstic spring,north china[A], 《Proceedingsof Symposium HS.2 at the jointConvention of The International Association ofHydrological Sciences (IAHS) andThe International Association ofHydrogeologists (IAH) held in Hyderabad, India》, IAHS Publication, September 2009:241~246
35. ZhangRong-Rong, Shu Long-Cang,Dong Gui-Ming et al. Small-scale rainfall-runoffexperiments and numericalsimulation in a typical small karst basin of Houzhai, Guizhou province,China[A], 《Proceedingsof Symposium HS.2 at the jointConvention of The International Association ofHydrological Sciences (IAHS) andThe International Association ofHydrogeologists (IAH) held in Hyderabad, India》, IAHS Publication, September 2009:348~357
36. ZhaoJun, Wen zhong hui, Shu longcang, zhen li et al, A laboratory model of theevolution of an island freshwaterlens[A], 《Proceedings of Symposium HS.2 at the jointConvention of TheInternational Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS) andThe InternationalAssociation of Hydrogeologists (IAH) held in Hyderabad, India》,IAHS Publication, September 2009: 154~161
37. DongGuiming, Shu Longcang, WangMaomei, Lu Chengpeng, Liu Lihong,A coupled seepage-horizontal well flow model andnumerical experiments [J],Advancesin WaterScience,2009,20(6):830~837;
38. Dong,Guiming; Shu, Longcang; etal. Study on cross-section velocity distribution andresistance of steadytwo-dimensional uniform laminar flow in rectangular openchannel. Journal ofHydroelectric Engineering, 2010, 29(6): 95-98;
39. LihongLiu, Longcang Shu, XunhongChen, Thomas Oromo, The Hydrologic function andbehavior of the Houzhaiunderground River basin, Guizhou Province, southwesternChina [J], HydrogeologyJournal, 2010, 18(2): 509-518;
40. LiuLihong, Shu Longcang, ChenXunhong, Wang En, Oromo Thomas,Rainfall-DrivenSpringHydrograph Modeling in a Karstic Water System, Southwestern China,WaterResources Management, 2010,24(11):2689-2701;
41. ChengpengLu, Longcang Shu,Xunhong Chen, Cheng Cheng. Parameter estimation for a karstaquifer with unknownthickness using the genetic algorithm method. EnvironEarth Sci, 2011,63:797–807;
42. DanYin, Longcang Shu, XunhongChen, Zhenlong Wang, Mokhatar Eisa Mohammed.Assessment of Sustainable Yield ofKarst Water in Huaibei, China. WaterResources Management,2011,25(1): 287~300;
43. ChengpengLu, Xunhong Chen, ChengCheng, Genxing Ou, Longcang Shu. Horizontal hydraulicconductivity of shallowstreambed sediments and comparison with the grain-sizeanalysis results.Hydrological Processes, 2011, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.8143;
44. LihongLiu, Xunhong Chen,Guangquan Xu, Longcang Shu. Use of hydrologic time-seriesdata foridentification of hydrodynamic function and behavior in a karsticwater systemin China. Hydrogeology Journal. 2011, 19 (8): 1577-1585.
45. ChengpengLu, Xunhong Chen,Genxing Ou, Longcang Shu, Donghui Cheng, Emmanuel KwameAppiah-Adjei.Determination of the anisotropy of an upper streambed layer ineast-centralNebraska, USA. Hydrogeology Journal, 2011, DOI:10.1007/s10040-011-0792-4;
46. ShuLongcang, Wang Xiaohui, etal. Laboratory study on the recharge efficiency ofinfiltration basin, ISWREP2011 (Proceedings of 2011 International Symposium onWater Resource andEnvironmental Protection), 2011, 1: 165-168;
47. ChenYu, Shu Longcang. Study onhydrodynamics of karstic aquifer based on grey correlationanalysis, ISWREP 2011(Proceedings of 2011 International Symposium on WaterResource and EnvironmentalProtection), 2011, 1: 201-204;
48. KeTingting, Shu Longcang, et al.Study on hydrodynamics of karstic aquifer basedon grey correlation analysis,ISWREP 2011 (Proceedings of 2011 InternationalSymposium on Water Resource andEnvironmental Protection), 2011, 3: 859-862;
49. YinDan, Shu Longcang, Analysisof karst spring discharge in semiarid of China,ISWREP 2011 (Proceedings of 2011International Symposium on Water Resource andEnvironmental Protection), 2011,3: 2076-2079;
50. LiXian, Shu Longcang, LiuLihong, Application of gray relational method to thetime-lag between springdischarge and precipitation, ISWREP 2011, 4: 2725-2728;
51. JiYefei, Shu Longcang, Newmethod for evaluating safe yield and exploitationpotential of shallowgroundwater in Huaibei Plain, Anhui province, IAHS-AISHPublication,Hydrological Cycle and Water Resources Sustainability in ChangingEnvironments,2011, 350:205-211;
52. YuChen, Longcang Shu. Confinedwater quality evaluation of drawdown cone inJining based on improved fuzzycomprehensive evaluation method, IAHS-AISHPublication, Hydrological Cycle andWater Resources Sustainability in ChangingEnvironments, 2011, 350:467-472;
53. LuChengpeng, Longcang Shu, etal. Field evidence and numerical simulation ofscale effect of hydraulicconductivity, IAHS-AISH Publication, HydrologicalCycle and Water ResourcesSustainability in Changing Environments, 2011, 350:481-487;
54. KeTingting, Shu Longcang,Analysis on the regulation coefficient of Houzhaiunderground river system inGuizhou province, southwest China, IAHS-AISHPublication, Hydrological Cycle andWater Resources Sustainability in ChangingEnvironments, 2011, 350:512-516;
55. LongcangShu,Xiaohui Wang,Chaoqun Ma et al,Laboratory Study on the Recharge Efficiency ofInfiltration Basin,ISWREP2011, 2011(1), 166-169;
56.Lu,Chengpeng; Chen, Xunhong; Cheng,Cheng; Ou, Gengxin; Shu, Longcang. Horizontalhydraulic conductivity of shallowstreambed sediments and comparison with thegrain-size analysis results.Hydrological Processes,2012,26(3):454-466.
57. Yong,Wang; Shu, Longcang; Lu,Chengpeng; Zhang, Rongrong; Ping, He. Determininginformational entropy of KARSTspring hydrology based on wavelet transform.Advanced Materials Research, 2012,(594-597): 2612-2615;
58. BijuanHuang, Long cang Shu, Y.S.Yang. Groundwater Overexploitation Causing LandSubsidence: Hazard RiskAssessment Using Field Observation and SpatialModelling. Water ResourceManagement, 2012, 26(14): 4225-4239;
59. XianLi, Longcang Shu, LihongLiu, Dan Yin. Sensitivity analysis of groundwaterlevel in Jinci Spring Basin(China) based on artificial neural networkmodeling. HydrogeologyJournal,2012,20(4): 727-738.
60. YinDan, Shu Longcang, XuChundong, et al. (2012) An approach for estimatingsustainable yield of karstwater in data sparse regions. Environmental EarthSciences, 66(2): 399-407.
61. Appiah-AdjeiEK, Shu LC, Adjei KA,Lu C, and Deng M (2012). Interpretation of Pumping Testwith a Radial CollectorWell Using a Reservoir Model. Journal of HydrologicEngineering,2012,17(12):1397-1407
62. YandongJing, Longcang Shu,Mingjiang Deng. Optimal Operation of Underground Reservoirin Tailan RiverBasin. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2012,212-213:88-98;
63. YuChen, Longcang Shu.Vulnerability assessment of land subsidence induced bygroundwateroverexploitation-A case of Xixi-Chengnan area in Jiangsu. AdvancedMaterialsResearch. 2012, (518-523): 4321-4324;
64. YuChen, Longcang Shu. Regionalland subsidence vulnerability assessment based ongrey correlation analysis.Applied Mechanics and Materials. 2012. (170-173):1265-1268; Chunyan Zhang,Longcang Shu, Bo Liu. Study on Artificial Regulationof Water Resources in Westof Daqing City. Advanced Materials Research. 2012,550-553: 2510-2514;
65. LuChengpeng, Shu Longcang, ChenXunhong,Numerical analysis of the impacts ofbedform on hyporheic exchange,Advances in Water Science,2012,23(6):789-795;
66. Appiah-AdjeiEK, Shu LC, AdjeiAK, Deng M, and Wang X (2012). Evaluation of unconfinedaquifer parameters fromflow to partially penetrating wells in Tailan riverbasin, China. EnvironmentalEarth Sciences, 2013,69(3): 799-809
67. Appiah-Adjei,E.K., Shu, L.C.,Adjei, K.A., Lu, C.P., Deng, M.J., 2012. Interpretation ofPumping Test withRadial Collector Well Using a Reservoir Model. Journal ofHydrologicEngineering, 17(12): 1397-1407.
68. Chen,Y., Shu, L.C., Burbey,T.J., 2013. Composite Subsidence VulnerabilityAssessment Based on an IndexModel and Index Decomposition Method. Human andEcological Risk Assessment,19(3): 674-698.
69. Ke,T. T., Shu, L. C., Chen, X.H., 2013. Modeling the groundwater recharge inkarst aquifers by using areservoir model. Water Science and Technology, 68(2):406-412.
70. Min,X., Shu, L.C., Li, W.,Appiah-Adjei, E.K., 2013. Influence of particle distributionon filtercoefficient in the initial stage of filtration. Korean Journal ofChemicalEngineering, 30(2): 456-464.
71. Appiah-Adjei,E.K., Shu, L.C.,Adjei, K.A., Lu, C.P., 2013. Evaluation of climate changeimpact onsustainability of Tailan underground reservoir in China, 2013 2ndInternationalConference on Energy and Environmental Protection, ICEEP 2013,April 19, 2013 -April 21, 2013. Advanced Materials Research. Trans TechPublications Ltd,Guilin, China, pp. 3249-3255.
72. Jing,Y., Shu, L.C., et al.,2013. Analysis of recharge sources to Tailan undergroundreservoir, Advances inIndustrial Engineering, Information and Water Resources.WIT Transactions onEngineering Sciences. WIT Press, Ashurst Lodge, Ashurst,Southampton, SO40 7AA,United Kingdom, pp. 605-616
73. ZhuJingsi, Shu Longcang, LuChengpeng. Study on the heterogeneity of verticalhyporheic flux using a heattracing method [J]. Journal of HydraulicEngineering,2013,44(07):818-825.
74. Chen,Y., Shu, L.C., Burbey,T.J., An integrated risk assessment model oftownship-scaled land subsidencebased on an evidential reasoning algorithmmadnfuzzy set theory. Risk Ananlysis,2014, 34(4): 656-669.
75. SunChen, Shu Longcang, LuChengpeng, Zhang Chunyan.Physical experiment and numericalsimulation of springflow attenuation process in fissure-conduit media [J].Journal of HydraulicEngineering, 2014, 45(1): 50-57.
76. WuG D, Shu L C, Lu C P, et al.Variations of streambed vertical hydraulicconductivity before and after a floodseason [J]. Hydrogeology Journal, 2015,23(7):1603-1615.
77. ZhangC, Shu L, Lu C, et al.Experimental determination of fractures and conduits andthe applicability ofCubic law in closed fractures [J]. Experimental Thermaland Fluid Science. 2015,69: 1-7.
78. SUXR, SHU L C, LI W, et al.Monitoring temporal patterns of vertical hyporheicflux via distributedtemperature sensors[J]. IAHS-AISH Proceedings and Reports,Remote Sensing andGIS for Hydrology and Water Resource ,2015, 368:299-304.
79. QIS P, WEN Z H, LU C P, et al. Anew empirical model for estimating the hydraulicconductivity of lowpermeability media [J]. Proceedings of the InternationalAssociation ofHydrological Sciences, 2015, 368: 478-483.
80. ZhuJingsi, Shu Longcang, LuChengpeng, et al., Study of heterogeneous verticalhyporheic flux via streambedtemperature at different depths, IAHS-AISHProceedings and Reports, RemoteSensing and GIS for Hydrology and WaterResources, 2015, 368, 168-173.
81. ChangC X, Wen Z H, Shu L C, etal. Study of an evaluation index system of well-offwater conservancy in YunnanProvince[J]. Proceedings of the InternationalAssociation of HydrologicalSciences, 2015, 368:366-372.
82. TangR, Shu L, Lu C, et al.Laboratory Analog Analysis of Spring Recession Curve ina Karst Aquifer withFracture and Conduit Domains [J]. Journal of HydrologicEngineering, 2016,21(2).
83. ZhangC, Shu L, Appiah-Adjei E K,et al. Laboratory simulation of groundwaterhydraulic head in a karst aquifersystem with conduit and fracture domains[J].Carbonates & Evaporites,2016,31(3):329-337.
84. WuG D, Shu L C, Lu C P, et al.The heterogeneity of 3-D vertical hydraulicconductivity in a streambed [J].Hydrology Research, 2016, 47(1):15-26.
85. Si-ningChen, Longcang Shu,Chengpeng Lu. A new method for evaluating riverside welllocations based onallowable withdrawal [J]. Water, 2016, 8(9), 412;doi:10.3390/w8090412
86. SuX, Shu L, Chen X, et al.Interpreting the cross-sectional flow field in a riverbank based on agenetic-algorithm two-dimensional heat-transport method(GA-VS2DH) [J].Hydrogeology Journal, 2016, 24(8):2035-2047.
87. RongrongZhang, Longcang Shu,Jianting Zhu, et al. Storage and drainage characteristicsof a highlyheterogenous karstic aquifer in Houzhai Basin[J]. Groundwater,2016,doi:10.1111/gwat.12437
88. SiningChen, Longcang Shu.Drawdown changes affected by flow rate and location ofpumping wells near ariver[J]. IOP Conference Series: Earth and EnvironmentalScience, 39 (2016)012013.
89. ShuL, Xiao R, Wen Z, Tao Y, LiuP. Impact of Boundary Conditions on a GroundwaterHeat Pump System Design in aShallow and Thin Aquifer near the River.Sustainability. 2017; 9(5):797.
90. Su X R, Shu L C, Zhao G, et al.The effects of a low-permeability lens onhyporheic exchange intensity[C]//2017:012055. IOP Conference Series: Earth andEnvironmental Science, 82 (2017)012055.
91. YangXu, Longcang Shu, YongjieZhang et al. Physical Experiment and NumericalSimulation of the ArtificialRecharge Effect on Groundwater Reservoir[J]. Water2017, 9(12), 908;
92. Shu Longcang, Zhang Yongjie, XuYang, Wu Peipeng, Abunu Atlabachew, EstherChifuniro Mabedi. Experimentalstudies on gas-clogging characteristics duringgroundwater artificial recharge[J]. Advances in Water Science, 2017,28(5):756-762.
93. Xiaoru Su, Longcang Shu,Chengpeng Lu. Impact of a Low-permeability Lens onDune-induced HyporheicExchange[J]. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 2018, 63(5):818-835.
94. AbunuAtlabachew, Longcang Shu,Peipeng Wu, et al. Numerical Modeling of Solute Transportin a Sand TankPhysical Model Under Varying Hydraulic Gradient and HydrologicalStresses[J].Hydrogeology Journal, 2018. DOI: 10.1007/s10040-018-1758-6.
95. PeipengWu, Longcang Shu, FulinLi, Huawei Chen, Yang Xu, Zhike Zou and Esther ChifuniroMabedi, Impacts ofArtificial Regulation on Karst Spring Hydrograph in NorthernChina: LaboratoryStudy and Numerical Simulations, Water, 2019, 11, 755;doi:10.3390/w11040755;
96. ZhikeZou, Longcang Shu, Xing Minand Esther Chifuniro Mabedi, Clogging ofInfiltration Basin and Its Impact onSuspended Particles Transport inUnconfined Sand Aquifer: Insights from aLaboratory Study, Water, 2019, 11,1083; doi: 10.3390/w11051083;
97. ZhikeZou, Longcang Shu, Xing Minand Esther Chifuniro Mabedi, Physical Experimentand Modeling of the Transportand Deposition of Polydisperse Particles inStormwater: Effects of aDepth-Dependent Initial Filter Coefficient, Water,2019, 11, 1885; doi:10.3390/w11091885;
98. Peipeng Wu, Longcang Shu*,Changbing Yang, etal. Simulation of groundwater flow paths under managedabstraction and rechargein an analogous sand-tank phreatic aquifer.Hydrogeology Journal, 2019
1. National KeyBasicResearch Development Program (referred to as the 973 Program) Project -WaterCycle Dynamic Process and Hydrological Ecological Effect in Karst Region(2006CB403204), research funding: 2.9 million yuan. ("Western KarstMountain Rock Desertificationand Adaptive Ecosystem Regulation (The fourthtopic 2006 CB403200),2007.01-2011.12, research funding: 430,000 yuan;
2. Study on urbanemergencywater supply plan for Jining City (2009.06-2009.12, research funding:500,000yuan);
3. 2009 MinistryofWater Resources Special Funding Project for Public Welfare Industry ResearchonKey Technologies of Groundwater Reservoir Construction in Arid Areas(200901084)(2009.12-2012.12, research funding: 300,000 yuan);
4. NationalNaturalScience Foundation of China, "Experimental Study on the Law ofGroundwaterFlow in Southwest Karst Fracture-Pipeline Media" (41172203) (-2015.12,research funding: 750,000 yuan);
5. JiningWaterConservancy Bureau project “Jining City Water Resources CarryingCapacityEvaluation” (2016.08- 2017.08, research funding: 500,000 yuan);
6. NationalGroundwaterMonitoring Project “Distributed Watershed Hydrological Model andGroundwaterNumerical Simulation Model Construction of Typical Guanzhong Plainin ShanxiProvince” (2017.01- 2017.12, research funding: 800,000 yuan);
7. WaterEcologicalCivilization City Construction Project of Jinan City "LaboratoryTest ofKarst Water Seepage", (2017.01- 2018.12, research funding: 1.98millionyuan);
8. XinxiangEco-cityConstruction Investment Co., Ltd. project “Compilation of waterresourcescomprehensive planning project of Xinxiang City” (2018.12- 2019.04,researchfunding: 4.3 million yuan);
9. NationalNaturalScience Foundation of China, “Study on water cycle evolution of groundwaterreservoirin the arid area under artificial regulation” (41572210) (2016.01-2019.12,research funding: 758,000 yuan);
Jinan Railway Group Project “NumericalSimulation ofGroundwater Flow in the 4D Geological Environment Platform ofJinan SpringArea” (2019.05-2019.12, research funding: 3 million yuan);
10. Theoreticalstudyon the design of groundwater reservoir in loose medium, Second prize ofDayuwater conservancy science and technology in 2008
11. Study and application on groundwaterexploitationand control technology in Huai River Basin, Third prize of Dayuwaterconservancy science and technology in 2013
12. Study ofthecombined control on the safe yield of groundwater and groundwater table,Firstprize in science and technology of Huaihe water conservancy commission in2015.