- 单位:河海大学 水文水资源学院
- 职称:副教授
- 出生:1980年2月
- 性别:男
- 联系方式:zhangzhicai_0@hhu.edu.cn
Catchment hydrological processes andmodelling
Groundwater hydrology
1 Zhang, Z., Chen, X., Cheng, Q., Soulsby, C.,2019. Storage dynamics, hydrological connectivity and flux ages in a karstcatchment: conceptual modelling using stable isotopes. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci.23, 51–71.
2 Zhang, Z., Chen, X., Soulsby, C., 2017.Catchment-scale conceptual modelling of water and solute transport in the dualflow system of the karst critical zone. Hydrological Processes. 31, 3421–3436.
3 Zhang Z., Chen X., Huang Y., Zhang Y. 2014.Effect of catchment properties on runoff coefficient in a karst area ofsouthwest China, Hydrological Processes, 28(14):3691–3702.
4 Zhang Z., Chen X. Chen X., Shi P. 2013,Quantifying time lag of epikarst-spring hydrograph response to rainfall usingcorrelation and spectral analyses, Hydrogeology Journal, 21(7): 1619-1631.
5 Zhang Z, Chen Xi, Shi Peng, Ou Geng-xin, 2013.Study of canopy transpiration based on a distributed hydrology model in a smallkarst watershed of southwest China, Carbonates Evaporites, 28:111-117.
6 Zhang Z., Chen X., Ghadouani A., Shi P.,2011.Modelling hydrological processes influenced by soil, rock and vegetationin a small karst basin of southwest China, Hydrological Processes, 2011,25, 15,2456-2470.
1. Distributed tracer-aided hydrologicalmodelling of karst watersheds using stable isotopes, National NaturalScientific Foundation of China (41971028), 610,000 RMB, 2020-2023
2. Study of fracture distributioncharacteristics and the flow numerical simulation in karst depressions in southwestChina. National Natural Scientific Foundation of China (No. 41571020). 700,000RMB, 2016-2019.
3. Water cycle and water resources allocationin karst catchment. National Key Research and development Program of China. (2016YFC0502602-1),700,000 RMB, 2016-2020
4. Hydrodynamic mechanism of runoffprocess in slope and spring flow in karst area, National Natural ScientificFoundation of China (No.41101018). 280,000 RMB, 2012-2014