  • 单位:河海大学   环境学院

Position: AssociateProfessor

Office address: Yankai Building, 208




Research Fields and Interests

EnvironmentalImpact Assessment

Environmentalhydraulics & ecohydraulics

Characterizationof water flow and pollutant transport in water-sediment system 

Waterenvironmental models & inverse problems

Waterenvironment planning and management


Selected Publications

1.       Liu X.D., Tu Q.L., et al. Multi-parameter identification of a two-dimensionalwater-quality model based on the Nelder–Mead Simplex algorithm. HydrologyResearch  2015,46(5):711-720

2.       Liu X.D., Zhou Y.Y., Hua Z.L.,etal., Parameter identification of river water quality models using a geneticalgorithm, Water Science & Technology, 2014, 69(4):687-693.

3.       Liu X.D., Xue H.Q., Hua Z.L., Yao Q., Hu J. An inverse calculationmodel for optimal design of rectangular sedimentation tanks. Journal ofEnvironmental Engineering, ASCE. 20131393455~459.

4.       Liu X.D., Mei S.C.,et al.Estimation of the longitudinal dispersion coefficient for river networks using a differentisl evolution algorithm.Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 2016, 25(10) 4004-4012.

5.       Liu X.D., Hua Z.L.Numerical simulation for shallowflow and pollutant dispersion based on quad-tree meshesJournal of Hydrodynamics Ser.B, 2006,18(2): 161-169.