- 单位:河海大学 环境学院
Research Fields and Interests
Limnologyand ecology of aquatic ecosystems
Integratedwatershed model linking hydrodynamic, water quality, and ecology
Selected Publications
(1) Tang Chunyan; Li Yiping; He Chao*, Acharya Kumud. Dynamic behavior of sedimentresuspension and nutrients release in the shallow and wind-exposed Meiliang Bayof Lake Taihu, Science of the TotalEnvironment, 2020, 708: 135131-135140.
(2) Tang Chunyan; Li Yiping*; Acharya Kumud*; Impact of intermittentturbulent bursts on sediment resuspension and internal nutrient release in LakeTaihu, China. Environmental Science andPollution Research, 2019, 26(16): 16519-16528.
(3) Tang Chunyan; Li Yiping; Acharya Kumud*; Modelin the effect of externalnutrient reduction on algal bloom in hyper-eutrophic Lake Taihu, China, Ecological Engineering,2016, 94: 164-173.