  • 单位:南昌医学院   医学技术学院
  • 职称:主任技师
  • 出生:1975-09
  • 性别:女
  • 联系方式:15279190056

研究领域     输血检验技术 医学检验 糖尿病相关科研  非编码RNA科研


1. Hong Wu#, Guodong Li#, Yijun Nie, Lifang Zou, Xi Zhang, Shuangmei Liu, Guilin Li, Hong Xu, Chunping Zhang, Shangdong Liang*. Potential involvement of P2 receptors in the pathological processes of hyperthyroidism: a pilot study. Annals of Clinical & Laboratory Science .2016,46(3):254-259. 

2.Hong Wu, Wen Fang, Jiang Mei, Qiang Liu, Yijun Nie*. LncRNA uc.48+ is involved in the diabetic immune and inflammatory responses mediated by P2X7 receptor in RAW264.7 macrophages. International Journal of Molecular Medicine,2018, 42, 1152-1160.

3.Yijun Nie, Zhanglin Zhang, Hong Wu#, Lagen Wan#.Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis in a patient with HIV Infection: A case report. EXPERIMENTAL AND THERAPEUTIC MEDICINE,2017,13(5): 2480-2482.

4. Hong Wu, Wen Fang, Jiang Mei, Qiang Liu, Yijun Nie*. lncRNA uc.48+ regulates immune and inflammatory reactions mediated by the P2X7 receptor in type 2 diabetic mice. EXPERIMENTAL AND THERAPEUTIC MEDICINE, 2020 , 20(6):230.

5.Hong Wu*, Guoliang. Li, Qi. Tang, L. Tian, Qiang. Liu, Xiaoying. Zhou, Huaqing. He, Li. Xiong. The mutation and one-base insertion of the (1,4)galactosyltransferase gene responsible for the p phenotype. Transfusion Clinique et Biologique, 2019,26(4):358-360

6.Lagen Wan, Hong Wu#,Fuyuan Xie,Yijun Nie Thrombocytopenia and GBA gene mutation in a patient with adult Type 1 Gaucher Disease. Platelets, 2017,28(8):829-831.

7. 吴红,王斌,李婷,聂益军.炎性指标在糖尿病肾病早期诊断中的价值比较研究[J].中国全科医学,2021,24(33):4206-4210.

8. 吴红,江梅,闻芳,聂益军.戈谢病 GBA 基因突变致血小板输注无效 1 例.临床检验杂志 2017,35(5):330-333.)