  • Unit:复旦大学   生命科学学院
  • Professional title:研究员
  • Position:
  • Gender:女
  • Social position: 上海市细胞生物学会理事
  • Contact information:linli@fudan.edu.cn
  • Weibo:




  1. Ding L, Wang S, SongZT, Jiang Y, Han JJ, Lu SJ, Li L,Liu JX. Two B-Box Domain Proteins, BBX18 and BBX23, Interact with ELF3 andRegulate Thermomorphogenesis in Arabidopsis. Cell Rep.;13;25(7),2018,1718-1728

  2. Huang X, Zhang Q,Jiang Y, Yang C, Wang Q, Li L*. Shade-induced nuclearlocalization of PIF7 is regulated by phosphorylation and 14-3-3 proteins inArabidopsis. eLife. 2018 Jun21;7. pii: e31636. doi: 10.7554/eLife.31636

  3. Yang C, XieF, Jiang Y, Li Z, Huang X, Li L*.Phytochrome A Negatively Regulates the Shade Avoidance Response by IncreasingAuxin/Indole Acidic Acid Protein Stability. Dev Cell. 2018 44(1):29-41

  4. Song Y, Jiang Y, KuaiB, Li L*. CIRCADIAN CLOCK-ASSOCIATED 1 Inhibits Leaf Senescencein Arabidopsis. Front Plant Sci.2018; 9:280

  5. Peng M, Li Z,Zhou N, Ma M, Jiang Y, Dong A, Shen WH*, LiL*.LinkingPHYTOCHROME-INTERACTING FACTOR to histone modification in plant shade avoidance. PlantPhysiol.2018 176(2):1341-1351

  6. Song Y, Li L*.Methods to Study Darkness-Induced Leaf Senescence. Methods Mol Biol.2018 1744:135-140.

  7. Yang C, Li L*. Hormonal Regulationin Shade Avoidance. Front Plant Sci. 20174(8):1527.

  8. Liu H, YangC, Li L*. Shade-inducedstem elongation in rice seedlings: Implication of tissue-specific phytohormoneregulation. J Integr Plant Biol. 201658(7):614-7.

  9. Song Y, Yang C, Gao S, Zhang W, Li L*, Kuai B*. Age-Triggeredand Dark-Induced Leaf Senescence Require the bHLH Transcription Factors PIF3, 4and 5.MolPlant. 2014 7(12):1776-87

  10. Li L*, Zhang Q, Pedmale UV, Nito K,Fu W, Lin L, Hazen SP, Chory J. PIL1Participates in a Negative Feedback Loop that Regulates Its Own Gene Expressionin Response to Shade. Mol Plant. 2014 7(10):1582-5

  11. Li L, Ljung K, Breton G, Schmitz R,Pruneda-Paz J, Cowing-Zitron C, Cole J,Ivans L, Pedmale U, Jung H, Ecker J, Kay S, ChoryJ. Linking photoreceptorexcitation to changes in plant architecture. Genes & Development. 2012 26 (8): 78590.

  12. Tao Y, Ferrer JL, Ljung K, Pojer F, Hong F, LongJA, Li L, Moreno JE, BowmanME, Ivans LJ, Cheng Y, Lim J, Zhao Y, Ballaré CL, Sandberg G, Noel JP, Chory J.Rapid synthesis of auxin via a new tryptophan-dependent pathway is required forshade avoidance in plants. Cell. 2008 133 (1): 164-76.


